Thursday, March 7, 1901

7th – My birthday. Ma, John & I went to Chilli. Pa gave me a check for $75.00 (for my horse). I bought a suit, hat, shoes, etc. Cost $17.50.

Happy birthday Jesse! In 1901 he turned 21 years old. Today in 2019 he is 139. Jesse mentioned a couple of weeks ago that he was thinking of selling his horse Grace. Jesse still fails to confide in his diary that he and John are about to take a long bachelor trip across the country. Perhaps this birthday trip to Chillicothe was to buy some clothing and supplies for traveling since John also went along and needed to prepare for this trip as well. Maybe Sarah went along to help pick out the clothing!

The easiest assumption for descendants who have read this diary for years is that this trip centers around Jesse. It is through his young eyes, after all. He’s engaged and about to get married. This is his bachelor trip, and John is just tagging along maybe to keep an eye on Jesse. It’s possible though that this is John’s idea, or maybe even James’ suggestion, and inviting little brother Jesse before he gets married is a fun afterthought.

Seventy-five dollars in 1901 has the same spending power as $2,220.98. His 1901 shopping trip of $17.50 is about the same as a $518.23 shopping trip in 2019.