Dec. 2nd — Fed & watered cattle & hauled a load of old corn down for the hogs. After feeding the cattle at Toby Place, Frank & I went to Chilli after cement.
There’s that mystery Toby Place again. It’s separate from the Bench property because they are making a trip for it, and then to go to Chillicothe afterwards. This might indicate that it’s between the Bench Farm and Chillicothe. In the 1900 federal census, Jim Bench’s younger half-brother William Toby is living at 326 Cowgill Street in Chillicothe (which is now Gravesville Park), but he might own some property west of town and let his brother graze cattle on the land — maybe?
Jesse doesn’t seem to be much for birthdays. It’s Mary’s birthday today! She turned 23 in 1901, and in 2019 she is 141 years old. Woops! This great-granddaughter has believed a typo for too many years. It’s the 12th, but I’m sure he’ll still not mention it.